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What Lies in Disguise we Know not Otherwise

When it all goes to bosch – The lower portion of Hell or life on campus? – Painting by Hieronymus Bosch “We simply have no organ for knowing, for ‘truth’: we ‘know’ (or believe or imagine) exactly as much as is useful to the human herd, to the species: and even what is here called…

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An Auspicious & Universal Peace Accord

The Ancient of Days by William Blake “Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and it is certainly not what it appears to be, so stop your heedless speculations you sheep-like-ones.” – Revelation 13:18…

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Blanca Santos – Amarres de Amor y Tarot

Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos Los amarres de amor han ocupado un lugar destacado en las diferentes culturas y tradiciones. Desde el origen de los tiempos, las civilizaciones han desarrollado prácticas esotéricas con amuletos, mezclas de hierbas o palabras invocadoras para intentar atraer el amor. En la actualidad, tenemos opiniones para todos los gustos,…

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