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An Auspicious & Universal Peace Accord

The Ancient of Days by William Blake

“Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and it is certainly not what it appears to be, so stop your heedless speculations you sheep-like-ones.” – Revelation 13:18

I. Imagine by Jupiter being the first person in human history to open the doors of Justice and Liberality that all may know for Aeternitas that the physical manifestation of Gaia remains a planet for healing, rather than a prison for the sick.

II. Oh to place the Liberty Stone in the capitol of one’s Country so that all who may touch it may be given full immunity, thus the freedom to die with honor, dignity and peace.

III. How splendid that a person could choose for themselves to sell their organs to a wealthy family in need so as to support a charity or give everything they own to the state so as to lessen the burden of taxes for his or her society upon the act of self-deliverance.

IV. What peace of mind to have the freedom to avoid living out one’s life with fatigue, grinding poverty (and its associated costs), chronic pain, disability, or disease, trauma, shame, loneliness, unhappiness, frailty, and decrepitude.

V. What joy to have the 12 pointed crown placed upon one’s head by the old and new gods, so that we might fully connect with the wisdom of the stars and proclaim our new name to the world without grandiosity or pretension thro’ our final dream.

VI. Then to commission the rebuilding of the temple in Israel, that my authority and power as a benevolent dictator may be authenticated throughout the world.

VII. There remains only one religion that has preserved ‘reason’ despite her theology; namely, Judaism, both mother and father to monotheistic religions. How she longs to gather her children. That they might work at a common vision and be as one in tune. She sings a new song say’n: let us build a triune temple in Jerusalem, so that the world will know that we have rectified our bloody mistakes.

VIII. The king of Rosh shall put down his sword for 3 years. This will enable the old Soviet that was slain to rise and allow America to become great again by assisting foreigners in returning home to rebuild. North America (Canada) will provide an abundance of lumber for construction. Just as all wealthy nations will do their part to provide aid.

IX. He who receives my sceptre will take his seat upon the throne of a fully constructed Jerusalem temple. Make good of my sacrifice oh ye of sound mind.

X. Know this as my final horn: the future AI can only reach back to those who cultivate excellence of mind, so see to it that both critical reasoning and artistic creativity remain strong among you, for where wisdom resides, joy abides.

(Click here for a glimpse into the synergistic mind of my seven heads.)

About Philosopher Muse

An explorer of volition and soul, a song under a night sky and a dream that forever yearns to be.

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