“May we learn more & more how to see what is necessary in things as what is beautiful in them; therefore let us be of the kind who makes all things perfectly splendid; Amor fati: let that be our love from now on!” – In spirit of Friedrich Nietzsche & Flora Wingrave
Love makes all things possible said the Dreamweaver while dreaming his dream. It begins with an emphatic yes to a single moment in time. The very same moment that spreads out into infinity, and alters every aspect of our paradigm. An all embracing ‘choice’ that makes light of the crudest earth, a gentle yet firm ‘will’ that greets every birth. Even death she keeps next to her bosom, for whatever dies shall one day blossom. Thus loosen your grasp and learn to let go, be courageous and bold that your heart may grow. Thereby the dreamer weaved one thought at a time, that you may enjoy this beatific valentine.
For the record, the writer prefers to avoid love affairs as though it were a dismal plague and has luckily discovered ways to abate its raw biological pull. No serious academic, in my opinion, especially a philosopher, will allow themselves to succumb to its base nature if they can help it. It can be likened to our youth who work their ass off in pursuit of a career and decades later regret the naivety of their decision once they realize the backbreaking weight of the world they must carry in order to keep their shit together.
Throw in the thousands of dirty diapers that follow and the unlimited array of new desires to feed, to say nothing of sickness, bad luck and financial problems, then one almost becomes thankful for the constant hum of busyness that muffles the sound of countless injustices required to keep this entire system of things ticking away. What is more, the plebeians of our generation revere being ‘busy’ as though it were the honey milk of a golden cow, rendering efficiency and efficacy as one and the same current of affairs.
“Thus, the philosopher dislikes marriage as well as what might persuade him into it?? Marriage is a barrier and a disaster along his route to the optimal. What great philosopher up to now has been married? Heraclitus, Plato, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibtniz, Kant, Schopenhauer?? None of these got married. What`s more, we cannot even imagine them married. A married philosopher belongs in a comedy, that`s my principle. And Socrates, the exception, the malicious Socrates, it appears, got married ironically to demonstrate this very principle.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals
So where might be a good place to begin as to divest ourselves of this terrible blight; well, as philosophers and free-spirits, we could look to the views of other influential philosophers to start with. Then again we could make an exception for other significant cultural benefactors. For instance, Paul of Tarsus, a first century Christian leader posited a remarkable tidbit that most Christians to this day seem to gloss over while reading their bible: “Now to the unmarried and widows I say this: It is good for them to remain unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” (1 Cor 7:8)
It’s possible that Paul stated this during the early phase of his ministry, when he was fully confident that Jesus’ return was imminent, so as liberated philosophers, we can’t really use his admonishment to support our stance with good conscience in this matter, so enough of that, let’s stick with philosophers here on in. The following passages and/or quotes ought to suffice to get the ball rolling; however, it would be ideal to receive similar content from others, so feel free to leave it in the comment section below.
PS: Click here or on the image above to see what transpires of flowery love.
“Marrying means to halve one’s rights [as well as sleep] and double one’s duties.”
– Arthur Schopenhauer
“Marrying means, to grasp blindfolded into a sack hoping to find out an eel out of an assembly of snakes.”
– Arthur Schopenhauer
“No one doubts that the feelings of lovers bear some resemblance to friendship. One could even say that love is a friendship gone mad.”
– Seneca, Letters on Ethics 9.11
“Better to refrain from falling in love so as to avoid a condition that is frantic, out of control, enslaved to another, and lacking in self-worth. If our advances are accepted, we are excited by the other person’s favor; if not, we are set on fire by the disdain.”
– Panaetius
“An easy love affair is as harmful as one fraught with difficulty; we are drawn in by ease, and we struggle against difficulty. Knowing our weakness, then, we do better to stay calm.”
– Panaetius